UNMS hosts a selection of initiatives throughout the year, from sporting activities for members to have fun, get fit, and meet other med students; to UNMS’s Community initiatives, like the Teddy Bear Hospital which connects medical students with the community; and our Wellbeing initiatives like Blue Week, which aims to remind med students to always take care of themselves and each other.
Learn more about our initiatives below!
UNMS Sports provides a team to most club sports at the Forum on campus. From netball to basketball, polo to futsal, be on the lookout for opportunities to join a team.
The annual Med vs Law Rugby Match pits two of the University's finest degrees head-to-head. With team spirit and degree pride on an all time high, there is so much to love about this game, be it a player bringing the shield home or a spectator cheering the squad on.
Not only is Blue Week a fun-packed event featuring petting zoos, puppies and pancakes, it is also an important event for student wellbeing. Blue Week is a week long event that puts the spotlight on student mental health and wellbeing, and features de-stressing activities, plenaries from renowned speakers, and forums highlighting personal experiences.
Teddy Bear Hospital is an event that is important both to the community and to medical students. From a community perspective, the event shows children that visiting a doctor doesn't have to be scary, and from a students' perspective, the event helps sharpen communication and interactional skills with younger patients.
OCamp is an annual event for first year medical students in the Joint Medical Program, run by older medical students. In its essence, OCamp is an action packed weekend for freshers to get away, make new friends, have loads of fun and form some of the best med school memories! More information about OCamp will be available at orientation.
UNMS MedRevue is an annual musical production entirely written, directed, produced and performed by 60+ medical students. With months of rehearsing to put on a two-nights-only performance, MedRevue proudly showcases Newcastle medical students’ talents, from dance, to music, to acting, to singing, or in some cases, all four at the same time. What’s better? This is a charity musical, with proceeds that go to UNMS’ Charity partners. Keep an eye out for audition dates for the next MedRevue.
UNMS is one of 22 proud members of the Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA). AMSA is the peak representative body for all 17,000 medical students across all 22 medical schools in Australia and aims to connect, inform and represent Australian medical students through advocacy, events and programs, and publications. AMSA advocates for medical students through policy development, advocacy campaigns and representation to governments, universities and relevant medical bodies. Its advocacy efforts also include areas of global, rural and Indigenous health. AMSA also hosts a world-renowned student-run conference, along with 3 other events, such as the Rural Health Summit. Get in touch with our AMSA representative at amsa@unms.org.au to learn more about how UNMS and AMSA work together.
AMSA hosts three world-renowned entirely student run conferences a year: Convention, Global Health Conference and the National Leadership Development Seminar. Each conference provides an entirely unique flavour and provides an opportunity to meet medical students from other universities across the country.
AMSA Policy is the foundation of AMSA’s advocacy campaign. Policies are discussed and voted upon at Councils by AMSA Reps and direct AMSA’s efforts toward the best interests of medical students. Any medical student can participate in the writing of policy, and should contact their AMSA Rep to find out how.
AMSA represents its members through multiple platforms. Notably, AMSA runs Council three times a year to discuss issues affecting Australian medical students, with AMSA Reps and MedSoc Presidents from each medical school present to represent the views of their members and take part in the discussions.
The UNMS Publications Team work throughout the year to put three publications together: the Introductus - UNMS’ Official Freshers’ Guide, and two editions of Ductus - UNMS’ Official Magazine. UNMS’ publications provide essential information to JMP students, while showcasing the writing talents of medical students. For those who enjoy writing, the Introductus and Ductus are outlets to get creative and an opportunity to get published. The Publications Team is always on the lookout for up-and-coming writers. If you are one of them, send an email to the Publications Officers at publications@unms.org.au.
The UNMS Indigenous Representatives aim to help blend Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture into the medical society and to bring Indigenous and Non-Indigenous medical students together through clinical teaching nights and other activities. In addition, the UNMS Indigenous Portfolio also works with University of Newcastle's
Wollotuka Institute
to run events and ensure adequate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical student representation to the School of Medicine and the Faculty. To get in touch with the UNMS Indigenous Representatives, feel free to email indigenous@unms.org.au.
The BMed and MD Program at Newcastle attracts students from all across the world and these students have only added to the already rich and diverse quality of the JMP cohort. The UNMS International Portfolio provides representation and a voice for international medical students at Newcastle. It's a forum for international students to raise any issues or concerns, and liaises with the faculty to coordinate events and initiatives to assist International students in integrating into university life in a foreign country. To get in touch with the International Representatives, feel free to send an email to
So you say you would like to help people… or at least you that’s what you told your interviewer about why you wanted to do medicine. But if you really meant what you said, UNMS Charity is a platform for medical students to give back (and have fun in the process) through multiple events across the year. These events range from the annual UNMS Charity Trivia Night, UNMS Charity Movie Nights, ye ol’ faithful Bunnings BBQ, and for those crazy enough to call exercise fun, through the Hill to Harbour, Bondi to Bronte and Nobbys to Newcastle Runs. For more information on UNMS Charity, feel free to email the Charity Officers at charity@unms.org.au.
We use Facebook as our means of regularly communicating with our members. To receive up-to-date information on UNMS events, initiatives and advocacy, like us on our Facebook Page and/or befriend the UNMS Seahorse.
For any enquiries, get in touch with us at secretary@unms.org.au.
University of Newcastle Medical Society Inc.,
UNSA Building, The University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan NSW 2308
University of Newcastle Medical Society Inc.